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How to Spread Your Blog Post Widely

After writing a blog, there is a lot you can do with it. This article will show you how to promote your post. However, let’s first talk about the post.

I am often asked by many people what length blog posts should be.

Although it’s hard for me to say exactly what the right length is, I think that 800-1000 words is the standard for quality content in blogs.

I usually write 1000+ words when writing for clients’ and my blogs. I no longer write posts of 800 words.

I don’t write long articles to save space on my blog, but rather high quality content with lots of information. That takes some writing. People who simply scan my content don’t matter to me. I don’t write content for them. These tips will assist you in this

So now it’s time promote that blog post you just wrote.

Here are some ideas to help you get started.

SocialMedia (all and any)

You’ll need to promote every new blog post you publish. You can share it on your favorite social network sites. You already have an account at Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media sites. If not, you should to create one in order promote your content.

Posting Media Sites

Tumblr (or Newsvine) are what I call posting media. They fall between social media or content sharing. In order to promote your main blog post, you’d have to write a mini-post. Do not use copy from your blog. You can create new content or link to your blog posts.

Content Sharing

These sites are somewhat different to social media. You need to share others’ content in order for it to be shared by others. Triberr Social Buzz Club, JustRetweet and Triberr are just a few of the many sites I am referring to.


EzineArticles was my first blog directory. I stopped using it in 2006. Your article should be original, informative, and follow all the rules.