The Reasons Your Romance Is Fading and the Reasons Why It Doesn’t
When I write about the subject of relationships I am reminded of the fact that we as animals are governed by some fairly primitive biological programming. This programming has the purpose of ensuring the survival of the species, which is often observed in the realms of reproduction. Continue reading?
Considered from a more elevated perspective our relationships with the opposite sexe can be described as fulfilling, romantic, intellectual, educational, exciting and fun. These higher functions are what we can enjoy since we are higher versions of living. It is possible that we are the highest form of living on the planet, even though I’ve met dolphins and whales who do not agree with that statement. It is important to understand that our instincts lie at the core of all we do.
We aren’t creatures, and we consider our relationships with each other and the people we share them with as being dominant in our lives. It’s painful when romance begins to fade with time. Everyday events in our life begin to take on their own importance, and become rivals to love.
Remember your first high school crush. You changed from a young, logical person to someone with a gleaming smile in their eyes in just a few seconds. It was impossible to focus on any other thing but the person you were now in love with. It was difficult to sleep or eat and even more difficult to maintain an ordinary relationship. It was certainly not the end of romance in your life and, when this first one crashed in your lap, you were awed by still another new sensation that was referred to as an unresolved heart. Perhaps it appeared as if all was lost and that your life was over. After a while the wounds heal, and you were able to return to “normal”. In reality you were able think of a new relationship with someone else. The next time, you promised yourself, you would be more cautious and “do it right” to ensure that you not be able to experience the sorrow of a broken heart again throughout your life.
Over a time there was a period of time when you did date and might have been a bit promiscuous on occasion as you waited for the perfect person who would be the love of your life to appear and walk into your arms. You had some fun and also suffered some hardships during this period. In the end, just when you didn’t expect it, you met the love of your life after which you fell in love and was married.
In the beginning, it was even more magical that had been praised by all the romantics and poets in history. Sex was not only common but it was also great. It was impossible to keep your hands and eyes off each other. The years went by. As children grew older, work assignments changed, responsibilities increased and slowly your relationship became different. Security, companionship and responsibilities took over the romance. The excitement of learning new aspects about one another were long gone. Sex was no longer so exciting or common. It was now routine. Sometimes it may be a thought that you possibly could have been married to the wrong person. The blossom was gone from the rose, and you were unable to comprehend why.
Let’s go back to the question of biological fundamental programming. So far as Mother Nature was concerned, your love life had completed the purpose it was designed to accomplish: bring children and create a safe environment for them to grow into adults who could, in turn, repeat the romance you’d just been through. Mother Nature didn’t seem to take a keen interest in your romantic relationship so long you were able to provide for the children and make sure they were safe. 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. Therefore, now appeared to fifty percent of the population to be the right time to begin that phase.
The whole thing could be to be a bit downright depressing. However, there is some good news and everything is not lost. If this is indeed the best time for divorce for some people, it is also an ideal time for others to revive the spark that brought them together in the beginning. And that, my dear is what this piece is really about. As you are a part of the modern human race, it is you’re responsibility to make your life the way you’ve always thought of it. It’s not enough to be nice to Mother Nature.
How do you plan to bring back that spark of enthusiasm with someone you’ve met and an old pair of shoes you’ve worn for many miles? Now, you have the plethora of your family history, of the past and memories that you’ve put together through the years. Assuming that the fundamental relationship is strong, there’s simply no reason that you should not rekindle the relationship. It’s unlikely to be exactly the same as in the beginning, but it can be a lot better even though it’s in a different way.
Be aware that the person inside of your new love the day you got to know him or her is present and could be expelled if you know how to achieve that. In addition, the person is eager to let you know, but don’t exactly know how to do it. Possibly they just require approval, a request or a sign of support. This is where your intuition can help and, in the event that you choose to listen, it will guide you towards happiness. All you need is willingness and just maybe an ounce of courage.
Take note of a fact that you should have known when you first began dating that women and men have different brains. It is important to appeal to the logic of your partner, if you’re a woman because that’s how he sees his world. It’s important to recognize that if you’re a man, your goal of rekindling your love for each other will not be realized until you figure out the way to awaken your partner’s emotions. Women are wired to respond in this manner. Do not spend long explaining to her the reasons you should try to ignite the fire again, but rather just do it. Don’t just say that you want to be with her. Show her, by your every move, that you care. If you have any traces in the girl you used to know you, she’ll respond.